Aug 3rd AM

Well, I survived the first day, but just barely.  I avoided the popcorn but fell into the trance of the ice cream.  This was later followed up by some cheese crisps and pistachios.  I know my plan was not to eat after 7pm last night, however, old habits are hard to break.  At least I can say that I had no cravings for anything alcoholic, right?  I call that a win right there.

I was thinking about it this morning...  Why is it so hard to stop eating after 7pm?  I have great intentions, but then never follow through.  I think I need a new evening routine.  One that does not involve watching tv.  Once I sit in front of the tube, I instantly want to snack.  So, what shall I do instead?  I could knit up that hat I started a few weeks ago.  I could go out for a walk.  I could work out.  So, I guess there are tons of options out there.  I just need to be more diligent on pushing myself out of routine and doing something "new".  They say it takes 30 days to form new habits, 60 days to make them stick.  What's two months?

So, what is my intention for today?

I plan on following the eating plan I set up for today.  Some people will be coming to visit this afternoon, so my hope is that I don't give in to being a social drinker.  I am planning on sticking just to water and conversation.  

I am also planning on going for a run right after I drop Tess off at swim practice.  I am hopeful that I will be able to get this done and back to home in time to grab Lu for her practice.  

Ok - off to crush this day!
